How to create inclusive workplaces

The importance of inclusion in the workplace

In the last couple of years, we have noticed how diversity and inclusion makes a real difference when it comes to be a better company, brand or workplace.

The reason is simple: When companies hire employees of different backgrounds, they earn more creative teams, create innovative strategies and develop a strong organizational culture and great public image.

Inclusion is the next step to support a diverse workforce. When you develop an inclusive environment, every person working for your team or company, feels welcomed, accepted and part of the company’s culture.

But, how can you be an inclusive leader? What are the characteristics of inclusive spaces?

We explore these questions to help you transform your workplace.

What makes an inclusive leader?

Being a leader during this uncertain times, is more complex than ever. And being inclusive and promote diversity are only two of the characteristics that are expected nowadays in managers, directors and CEO’s.

Here you will find 5 elements that you should put on practice as a leader at your company:


  1. Create a safe space for your team

The most important component building an inclusive environment, is to have spaces where everyone feels comfortable. For example, quiet places to work and not being distracted, non-gender bathrooms, lactation rooms, and meditation or prayer spaces. But you should also think beyond physical spaces. Start by adding your pronouns to your e-mail signature and encourage everyone to do so. This will help everyone feel safe and open about themselves.


  1. Have inclusion initiatives

The best way to promote inclusion, is to have initiatives where everyone can participate or collaborate. For example, you might consider inviting speakers from minority groups to share how they overcame their life and challenges. Consider supporting a charitable cause that resonates with your inclusive values as a business. Add holidays and festivities to your company’s calendar that are important to minority groups among your employees, like Pride Month, for example.

  1. Pay attention to how you speak to others

Today is more important than ever how we refer to someone else, but specially in all professional communications. Make sure you know each team member's preferred pronouns (he/she/they), consider using “spouse” or “partner” rather than “husband” or “wife” to refer to someone’s partner, and avoid exclusionary language like ‘Dear Gentlemen’ when you write a statement. And of course, be careful about being aggressive or harmful with your words -even unintentionally. Always think twice about your comments and how you refer to the people you work with.


  1. Promote the conversation

The best way to create inclusive employees, is to create conversation spaces where everybody can get to know each other, learn about their differences and celebrating them. Create monthly informal meetings where your employees can talk about their cultures, their preferences and hobbies. You can also organize lunches, sports events, volunteer days, or team-building activities that will help everyone feel comfortable on a friendly and inclusive environment.


  1. Talk about inclusion 24/7

To create an inclusive workplace and make everyone in the company conscious about this topic, make sure you talk about inclusion every day. Bring inclusion to life by adding it as a core value of your company’s culture, give onboarding sessions on this topic, send corporate e-mails with news about diversity and inclusion, add an inclusion section on your website, and consider having regular lectures on the topic.


Inclusion makes the most complete, strong, talented, and unique workforce. So, there is no doubt you must work to be the best inclusive leader and having the best inclusive company. You will learn every day, but these five steps will get you closer!


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